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FMEA TEST 25 C mens cream

FMEA TEST 25 C mens cream

FMEA Ref #: 
Select FMEA Basis: 
Product Design
Related Product: 
White Controlled Paper
Rating (Six-Sigma Compelled)
Severity of Effect: 
10. Injure a customer or employ
Likelihood of Occurrence: 
7. Once per month
Ability to Detect: 
5. Process is monitored and manually inspected
Control Estimated Cost $: 
500.00 USD
RPN Value
The Risk Priority Number RPN = The Severity ranking X the Occurrence ranking X the Detection ranking. The RPN can range from a Low =(1-300) Medium=(301-600) and High =(601- 1,000). Develop an Action Plan to reduce risks with unacceptably high RPNs.
RPN (Risk Priority Number): 
Demo | QMS (ISO 9001)