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Revision of OBJ from Tue, 28/06/2016 - 5:42pm



Tue, 28/06/2016
Planned Event Type : 
Management Objective KPI Plan & Progress
Related Department: 
Customer Service
Management by Objective Info
Management Objective Type: 
Indicator Perspective: 
Define Objective : 
Baseline/Average value: 
Target Value: 
12.00 - 50.00 m
Calculation Formula: 
teststtestststeststests eresresresres
Calculation Interval: 
Current Value: 
Unit of measurement: 
Responsible Designation: 
Chief Executive
Key Performance Indicator Info
A performance indicator or key performance indicator (KPI) is a type of performance measurement. KPIs evaluate the success of an organization or of a particular activity (such as projects, programs, products and other initiatives) in which it engages. Often success is simply the repeated, periodic achievement of some levels of operational goal (e.g. zero defects, 10/10 customer satisfaction, etc.), and sometimes success is defined in terms of making progress toward strategic goals. Accordingly, choosing the right KPIs relies upon a good understanding of what is important to the organization.[citation needed] 'What is important' often depends on the department measuring the performance – e.g. the KPIs useful to finance will differ from the KPIs assigned to sales.
KPI Source Department: 
Customer Service


Current Value: 70»50
Unit of measurement: »


Current Value: 60»70
Responsible Designation: »+Customer Rep
Unit of measurement: »
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