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Tagged "Physical Hazards"
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Demo | QMS (ISO 9001)
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Physical Hazards
Aerial work equipment (scissor lifts, boom lifts, personnel lifts)
JSA-| Press & Folding
Automobiles and light trucks
Block and tackle, chains or pulleys
Cold weather
Combustible materials
JSA-001| Blow Room
Compaction equipment
Compressed gas
Compressors (air, gas)
Confined space
Construction materials (wet cement, epoxy resins, cement dusts, alcohols, lime, metalworking fluids, turpentine, paints, adhesives)
Containers (drums, roll-off, super sac)
Conveyors - Material (conveyor belts, bucket conveyors)
Conveyors - Personnel (escalators, elevators, moving walkways)
Corrosive materials
Cranes and crane trucks
Dust / Fluff
JSA-001| Blow Room
Demolition equipment and activities
Earthmoving equipment (dozers, graders, excavators, trenchers, rollers, compactors, backhoe, skip loader)
Electrical equipment (transformers, switching gear, breakers, high voltage lines)
JSA-145| coding
Elevated loads
Elevated work platform or stairs
Explosive materials
Flammable materials and liquids
Flammable/reactive chemicals
Floor equipment (vacuums, buffers, sweepers)
Generators (electrical)
Grated decks
Grounds keeping equipment (lawnmowers, snow blowers, edging equipment,etc.)
Hand tools
JSA-01| Cutting
Heaters and boilers (steam)
Heavy manual lifting/moving
High pressure water or air use
Hot or cold surfaces
Hot weather
Ignitable materials and liquids
Inadequate lighting
Inclement weather - lightning, high wind, snow, rain, sleet
Ladders (portable, fixed)
Lifting equipment (cranes)
Lifting equipment (forklifts, hoists)
JSA-111| Color Mixing
Light (optical) radiation (i.e. welding operations, etc.).
JSA-111| Color Mixing
Manufacturing equipment and motion of machinery
Noise (Sound Pressure Level), dBA
JSA-001| Blow Room
Overhead obstacles (power lines or pipelines, block and tackle, lights, structures)
Overhead utilities (electrical, gas, water, etc.)
Painting equipment
Pipelines - aboveground (hazardous materials)
Pipelines - underground (hazardous materials)
Poor Housekeeping
Portable Toilets
Power tools (electric, gas, hydraulic, pneumatic)
Pressure washers
Pressurized cylinders, lines, or equipment
Reactive materials and liquids
Remote location
JSA-111| Color Mixing
Repetitive motion or other ergonomic concerns
Rolling or pinching objects
Rotating equipment
Rough terrain
Sharp objects
JSA-01| Cutting
Slippery surfaces (water, ice, snow)
Snow removal equipment
Structural integrity
Sweepers (ride-on)
Trenches and trench shoring
Trucks, tractors, and semi-trailers
Uneven surfaces (curbs, gutters, drains, etc.)
Utilities - aboveground (power, natural gas, water, etc.)
JSA-111| Color Mixing
Utilities - overhead (power, natural gas, water, etc.)
Utilities - underground (power, natural gas, water, etc.)
Welding/Cutting/Burning Equipment
JSA-01| Cutting
Wires, cables, hoses
Work around, in, and/or over water